Families are asked to work 30 hours per school year volunteering at the school. (Single-parent families work 15 hours per school year.) We ask that 10 of those hours are spent working on the Auction. There are many ways in which you can volunteer, please read a few of them below.
Classroom Parties
What is it? Help room parents to plan and execute classroom parties.
What is the time commitment? Due to popularity of this event, each family is asked to sign up for only one classroom party a year. Each party will last 1 hour though you may be asked to help prepare and clean up for a total of 2 hours.
When does it occur? All grades celebrate Halloween, Christmas (usually last day before break), and Valentine’s Day. Preschool and Kindergarten will have additional parties at the teacher’s discretion.
Classroom Helpers (Kindergarten-5th Grade)
Depending on the grade helpers are needed for the following: Reading, Computers, Library, Music, Art, Science, and small groups
What is it? Assist teacher in leading small groups. Instructions are provided by the teacher and St. Raymond staff are available to assist in classroom management.
What is the time commitment? Each group lasts between 1 hour to 90 minutes.
When does it occur? Small groups are needed every week. Parents can sign up for helping on a specific day and will be rotated throughout the month with other parents.
Scholastic Book Fair
What is it? Twice a year Scholastic Books comes to the school to sell books to the students. Parents are needed to decorate, set up, pick up and serve refreshments, sell books, help students select books, and help pack up books at the end of the event.
What is the time commitment? Sign ups are shift based lasting approximately 3 hours each for sales. Parents can also sign up for specific jobs needed during the week.
When does it occur? Typically, sales are during Catholic Schools Week (last Sunday of January) and in May during the school week.
Book Club
What is it? Students are encouraged to read a specific book each month and discuss it with their grade during the book club. Parents do not need to read the book to volunteer for book club. Book club leaders will provide guidance on things to do during meeting. Younger grades can have book read to them and do arts and crafts related to the book. Older grades can discuss the book. Food is served during the event and a kitchen volunteer will be needed.
What is the time commitment? Book club volunteers receive 1 hour one Friday a month. Book club volunteers can earn 2 service hours for each meeting. Kitchen volunteers can receive 4 hours each meeting.
When does it occur? Friday from 7am-8am, 1 Friday a month TBD. Kitchen volunteers need to be there at 6:15am to help cook.
Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraiser
What is it? Volunteers are needed to help distribute prizes from sales, tally up total sales submitted by students, and organize and distribute cookies that are delivered.
What is the time commitment? Generally volunteers are needed for 2 hours per activity.
When does it occur? Otis Spunkmeyer sales occur in October/November.
See’s Candy Fundraiser
What is it? Volunteers are needed to sort and distribute the candy to students on the delivery day. Volunteers are also needed for sales after Saturday evening mass and Sunday morning mass. These volunteers will need to help set up the table, sell candy, handle the cash box, and clean up.
What is the time commitment? Sorting and distributing candy lasts about 2 hours. Sales after masses are usually in 2 hour shifts.
When does it occur? See’s Candy sales occur prior to Christmas and Easter.
Hot Lunch
What is it? Two parents each day are needed to pass out hot lunches. Hot lunches are preordered and a list will be given to the parent volunteers. Teachers assist with bringing students to the lunch line.
What is the time commitment? Receive 1 service hour each time you volunteer. When signing up you are committing to 1 trimester of volunteering.
When does it occur? 11:35am- 12:35pm Monday- Friday (except for noon dismissal days).
Social Committee
What is it? This team of parents will coordinate events for the St. Raymond community. This year we plan to have the following events: Oakland A’s Game, Outdoor Movie Night, Bingo Night, Warriors Game Night, Saint Patrick’s Day events, Lenten Soup Night, and more!
What is the time commitment? Volunteers can earn 1-5 hours per event depending on needs of the event. Help is needed to plan events, sell ticket, and support chair.
When does it occur? One event per month throughout the year. Planning through phone and email prior to the event.
Scrip Sales
What is it? The scrip team needs volunteers to help sell scrip during drop off and pick up. Sales usually occur once a week.
What is the time commitment? Volunteers can earn about 1 hour for sales each day.
When does it occur? Sales are throughout the year with an increased need in December and June.
Teacher Appreciation Week
What is it? Teacher Appreciation Week lead will need help implementing the events for the week. Each day during the week will have its own unique event to celebrate teachers and staff.
What is the time commitment? It varies depending on the needs but is generally 1-2 hours in length. Some of the work may be done from home.
When does it occur? Teacher Appreciation Week occurs in early May
Traffic Committee
What is it? Welcome students in the morning car line. Set up traffic cones, assist students to exit vehicles, and help car line move smoothly.
What is the time commitment? Parents volunteer for as many days as they can consistently commit to. Volunteering is expected to last the whole school year. For the whole school year, each volunteer day accumulates to 13 hours of service.
When does it occur? 7:45am- 8:00am Monday- Friday
Used Uniform Sales
What is it? Assist with selling used uniforms once a month after school. Parent volunteers are also needed to help fold and tag clothes when they come in.
What is the time commitment? Parents can earn 1-3 hours a month for sales and helping to organize clothes.
When does it occur? One Thursday a month from 2:30-3:30 for sales and as needed for organizing.
Fun Run
What is it? The Fun Run is a yearly fundraiser where each class participates in raising money for the school. Students will solicit funds, win prizes, and at the end will run with their class for 30 minutes.
What is the time commitment? Volunteers are needed the day of the event to encourage students to run, keep track of time/laps, and to organize and hand out prizes.
When does it occur? The Fun Run will occur in mid-May
Catholic Schools Week
What is it? Catholic Schools Week is a fun filled week that needs the support of parent volunteers for activities. During the week help is needed to assist with the Grandparent’s Day lunch and baking treats for the teachers. Volunteers can log time for their baking, are needed for set up and clean up of Grandparent’s Day, and to help serve food to guests.
What is the time commitment? Volunteers can expect to earn 1-4 hours depending on the ways they assist.
When does it occur? Catholic Schools Week starts the last Sunday of January.