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Jr. Kids Klub/Kids Klub


Jr. Kids Klub/Kids Klub is an extended care service to parents that offers a safe, nurturing environment for students before and after school. For grades K-8, we have streamlined the registration for your convenience. When you register for school you are also registered for Jr. Kids Klub/ Kids Klub.  This makes it easy for when a parent can’t make it on time to pick up right after school, you will be safe to know that your child(ren) will be taken care of.  (See below for our new hourly rates)

Morning Kids Klub will not be available for Gr. K-8.


  • Kindergarten students: The Jr. Kids Klub Staff will escort students to Jr. Kids Klub located in the Preschool class and signed in by a Jr. Kids Klub staff member.  For Kindergarten only, please let us know when your child(ren) needs to attend Jr. Kids Klub after school.  Please fill out the attached form and return it to your teacher. 
  • Grades 1-8 students: The Kids Klub staff will escort students to Kids Klub located in the back of Moran Hall by a Kids Klub staff member and checked in. Please let your child(ren) know when they will attend Kids Klubs.

Students that do not go directly to Kids Klub after school may be picked up for up to fifteen minutes after dismissal in the carpool line (3:15 on regular days, 2:25 on Wednesdays and 12:15 on minimum days).  After this time, students that are not picked up will be brought to Jr. Kids Klub/Kids Klub and you will be charged beginning at the start of school dismissal.  Always remember your child(ren) safety is our first concern!


We offer a fun way for your child to spend his/her time before and after school. 

Snack                                    Homework Club (Kids Klub)
Outdoor Play                      Gardening
Sports                                   Recycling (Kids Klub)
Arts & Crafts                       and much, much more!

Hours of operation:

Morning:       7:00-8:00am     Monday through Friday (For Jr. Kids Klub Only)
Afternoon:    3:00-6:00PM     Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
                       2:10-6:00PM     Wednesday

Minimum Days: 12:00-6:00PM--Children must bring their lunch and extra snack.

Days Jr. Kids Klub/Kids Klub is closed:

  • First day of school
  • Last day of school
  • Minimum day prior to Christmas Vacation
  • Minimum day prior to Easter Vacation

Jr. Kids Klub/Kids Klub Rate Plan 2024-2025 School Year

Monthly Rates

  • Our new monthly rate is $12.00 per hour no matter how many hours your child(ren) are in the program.  There will be a cap at $500.
  • Families are billed on the 10th of each month via ACH
  • There is a $6.00 per minute late fee starting at 6:01pm. So if you arrive at 6:10, the late fee will be $60.00.

For Kindergarten Students, additional forms must be submitted for new incoming students:

  • Child’s Pre-admission Health History – Parents Report LIC702
  • Personal Rights – LIC613A 
  • Parents Rights – LIC995

 (returning preschool families do not need to complete these forms)

We look forward to a fun filled school year.  If you have any questions please let us know.  


Jennifer Dutrow and Maureen Wright


For additional information:

Kids Klub (grades1-8) contact Ms. Dutrow at 925-574-7445.

Jr. Kids Klub (Preschool-Kindergarten) contact Mrs. Maureen at 925-574-7404

"God loves each one of us as if there was just one of us."  -St. Augustine


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