School Safety
At St. Raymond School, we take measures to assure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Fire drills, earthquake drills, and intruder drills take place on a regular schedule throughout the school year. In addition, a full school evacuation and release to parents and guardians is practiced.
All visitors, guests, and volunteers at St. Raymond School are required to report to the school office, sign in, and secure a Visitor Badge before proceeding through the buidlings. This policy is strictly enforced.
St. Raymond School adheres to the mandates of the "Safe Environment for Children Program of the Diocese of Oakland." Volunteers are screened according to the provisions of Megan's Law.
Volunteer Safety Clearance
What are the VIRTUS® programs?
VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.
Preventing & Reporting Child Abuse
In 1963, California enacted the first law in the United States requiring the mandatory reporting of child abuse. By 1967, all 50 states had similar laws.
These laws seek to protect children by establishing a legal duty to report abuse - and imposing penalties for failing to make a report - on certain occupations. These laws also authorize other adults to contact the authorities to report problems, and establish the immunities and responsibilities of these "ethical" or "permissive" reporters.
St. Raymond School adheres to all provisions of this law. In addition, all volunteers who work with children in St. Raymond School and Parish, follow the provisions of VIRTUS. This entails taking a training course and providing a certificate of successful completion.
Click here to go directly to the VIRTUS website.
Click here to complete the training course