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Middle School Web Resources

Math instruction is always evolving, with new approaches to pedagogy, engagement, and technology. 

Holt McDougal incorporates the latest thinking in its comprehensive approach and engages digital natives with cross-platform technology. It helps teachers to differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life.

Students are able to access a digital version of their text book and other resources that will help the students develop their math skills.

Holt McDougal also provides access to our social studies series and our literature series.

Students are able to access our Religion program through the RCL Benziger Flouish website. Access to a digital version of the textbook, chapter activities, prayer activities, and other catholic resources are available. 

Students get hooked on the science lesson through demonstrations and real-life applicable short activities. They also conduct investigations to build upon their prior knowledge and to generate new ideas. Fun, collaborative grouping strategies and interactives are used to share their explanations of the exploration activities. Students are challenged to extend their conceptual understanding and apply their skills. Learning is demonstrated in Writing Science activities that are aligned to ELA standards such as main idea, making inferences, and graphic organization.

Descubre blends Vista Higher Learning's understanding of how language instruction works with a focused dedication to making Spanish language and culture accessible and relevant to all students.

Student have access to practice, auto-scored feedback, Partner Chat and Virtual Chat activities, tutorials, monthly Culture and Current Events activities, and other resources.


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