St. Raymond School has adopted technology which is integrated with the educational process. Therefore, teachers integrate 21st century skills within the context of their lessons, and use technology as a resource for learning. Technology is an integral part of classroom functionality, as well as, administrative and student record management and communications.
The school has a computer lab, two laptop carts, one Chromebook cart and and two iPad carts. We now have a 1 to 1 Chromebook program in our middle school. In addition the classrooms are furnished with Activboards used in daily learning.
Student use of technology is relevant and applicable to real world research, critical thinking and problem solving. As students increase their knowledge so, too, will they develop an understanding of the moral and ethical issues related to technology in contemporary society. The St. Raymond School Technology Plan seeks to further advance our curriculum, training, and infrastructure initiatives.
Technology Vision Statement
St. Raymond School graduates will be technologically literate for and prepared to succeed in 21st Century secondary schools. In keeping with our Student Learning Expectations, our students will demonstrate the capacity to use technology to critically research information sources, communicate effectively and develop a global perspective.
Technology Mission
St. Raymond School models best practices in the acquisition and incorporation of current technologies appropriate for instruction and administrative support. We support our faculty and staff with training and tools in service of our students, their families, and our community.